Thursday, June 12, 2008

tutorial eight

definite assistive technology:

Any item, piece of equipment or product system whether acquired comercially or off the shelf, modified, of customised that is used to increase or improve functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities.

Describe a piece of equipment introduced in the assistive technology tutorial:

Sunny sunshine switch. This is a switch which is bright and colourful and highly attractive to children. When the sun is touched it will light up, vibrate, and play music. This can be used as a toy but also as a device to switch to turn appliances on and off.
Cost $82.95, requires 6AA batteries. Size- 14"Lx8"H.

This piece of equipment- the sunny sunshine switch is an excellent tool for children with various disabilities. It is useful as a sensory and visual stimuli, as well as a device for turning on appliances.

posting a flickr badge

sign up to a Flickr account, and then go into create a photo badge. Select photo selection wanted in badge. Copy and paste this into your blog page

posting a video

How do I embed videos on my website or blog?

To embed a video, just copy the code from the "Embed" box—you can find it in the "About This Video" box when you're watching the video.

You can also get the code from the "Embed HTML" box on the "Edit Video" page ( if the video is yours.

Once you've copied the code, just paste it into your website or blog to embed it.

We now offer the ability to customize embedded players! For more information, please visit our Help Center section on Custom Players.

Also, please note that if you don't want one of your videos to be embedded on other websites, you can disable that feature by following the steps below:

  1. Within your account, click the "My Uploaded Videos" link (
  2. Click the "Edit Video Info" button to the right of the video in question.
  3. Under "Sharing Options," click the button next to "No, external sites may NOT embed and play this video."
Posting a you tube video

Firstly go into tube and go into help, and ask how to post a you tube video on a blog site.


Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Tutorial Six: The internet and online communities

Provide the web address and the name of the community you are investigating
disabled community

What is the brief focus of this community

Disabled online is dedicated to providing the best content for people with disabilities, their families , and friends

What services are provided? How interactive is this site? How can people contribute?

Members can shop from online websites and vendors. Disabled online provides a public community forum where members can post topics and respond to qustions from other disabled users and their families.
Disabled online classified- members of the disabled community can post items for sale and job postings. There are also chatrooms, where members can contact other disabled members around the world.

Types of topics disscused on this website:

Types of wheelchairs "Rolling along high the high street is a bit different than tackling a rocky hiking path. Those 3 inch castors with flashing LED's that match your 'kerazee' personality just aint going to cut it out in the sticks, you need hardcore, off road chairs."

Ethical issues:

Proof of identity, for example are people who they say they are? and do they have a disability?

There is the posibility of disabled members being verbally abused while using chat rooms.

Confidentiality-will private information be shared/viewed by others?

Benifits of online communities

Members can link with others around the world with disabilities. This can be used as a means for support, questioning and sharing experiences.

Negatives on online communities

online communities lack the personal contact of traditional communities

Monday, June 2, 2008

Tutorial four and five- video production

Provide a brief summary of the services offered by you tube.

services offered include accesability to a range of home made videos, demonstrations e.g baking a cake, and lectures.

Uses of planing in film creating (storyboarding and scripting used in short film making).

Storyboarding can be of use before filming as shows the different shots to be used within the film e.g close up. It can also be used as a cue when filming takes place as to where the actors and camera need to be.

Scripting aids filming as the actors know what they're are saying before hand rather than "making up lines on the spot" which can cause embarassment and time wasting.